Marlene's Top Hat - Massage parlour Sydney

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24 Bourke Rd, Alexandria NSW 2015, Sydney, NSW 2015, Australia


A Visit To MARLENE TOP HAT @ 24 Bourke Rd, ALEXANDRIA is Unforgettable in Every Way. As best Massage Parlour in Sydney, Marlenes Top Hat has been at the epicentre of Sydneys adult services market for nearly two decades - in that time establishing and maintaining an unrivalled reputation for providing clients with superb satisfaction at better than reasonable prices. Unmatched value for money is the key to success of the business - it has been since its foundation in the year 2000 and will remain so into the future. Clients are afforded utmost privacy by its location in a low pedestrian-level environment, with discreet off street parking and low visibility access. Leave the car in the off-street car park - or arrive on foot after using public transport to nearby Green Square - open the door to MARLENEs TOP HAT @ 24 Bourke Rd, ALEXANDRIA and climb the Stairway to Heaven to a warm greeting by our highly professional and charming receptionist Linda. Lovely Linda will escort you to one of our luxurious rooms - all with en-suite facilities stocked with a variety of toiletries, expansive mirrors and plentiful supplies of fluffy bath towels, which are laundered on premises using special industrial high-temperature washing machines and driers for your comfort and convenience as well as maintaining the highest possible overall level of hygiene. ARLENES TOP HAT @ 24 Bourke Rd, ALEXANDRIA offers a wide choice of hand picked Feminine Flowers, all of whom exceed the high standards demanded by our astute management which has lots of experience in the business and therefore knowledge of what it takes to make the client come first. Each Lady has what it takes to give a first class experience in the traditions of what has long become a jealously guarded MARLENE @ 24 Bourke Rd, ALEXANDRIA reputation of premier service to discerning gentlemen. Opening Hours: On premises it is 9.30am to 7.00pm seven days. And the reason for this is two-fold: Primarily, such opening hours avoid the rowdiness that accompanies activity after dark when bar purchases tend to modify client behaviour which can be an unwanted nuisance to our Ladies and our Clients in general. Secondly, staff are happier with working daylight hours making their work experience more enjoyable - a win/win situation. For after hours liaison Management will be only too happy to discuss it with you privately. So, drop your socks and grab your c**k, you re off to a party with one, two, or even more of our Ladies. Tel: 9699 6319


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    • 24 Bourke Rd, Alexandria NSW 2015, Sydney, NSW 2015, Australia
    • 02 9690 0282

    Opening Hour

    Open Now
    • Monday 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    • Tuesday 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    • Wednesday 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    • Thursday 09.00 AM - 05.00 PM
    • Friday 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    • Saturday 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    • Sunday 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM


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